Sunday, 12 December 2010

My last Libertine

I ran my last Libertine acoustic gig this afternoon - I will continue to promote these events as long as someone else runs them. Otherwise, they are over. If no one person wants to run them, I suppose we (yes you and you and you and me) could run them as a cooperative. How about that? We could have various members curating Acoustic Afternoons. That might be the spark these events need.

Anyway, this afternoon, after the initial disappointment of losing my first act, Andy Murray of Lion House cheered me up no end with an entertaining set of covers and originals and some great between-song banter. Alan Levy, late-comer to the bill, also made me laugh with his songs about beards, and sofas, and buses. And Tracy Picardi, who was playing her third Acoustic Afternoon, was enthralling. She has great songs and a great voice with which to sing them.

So it ended up being a nice afternoon.

I just don't want to run them anymore.

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