Monday 30 August 2010

That's New York for ya

So, I'm on the Subway in New York and my wife sits down with my daughter next to a guy that turns out to be Richard Lloyd, guitarist and founder member of Television. I have a brief chat with him 'cos he gets off at the same stop as us, and for what it's worth, I mention RTYD and give him my card. He says he's recording for a Jimi Hendrix tribute record that is coming out soon and that he is due to play a show at the Borderline in early Oct.

How cool is that!

1 comment:

The Lone Groover said...

Very cool....funnily enough heard "Prove it" on the radio this morning....not sure I'd have recognised Richard Lloyd though, Tome Verlaine maybe....let's hope he sticks you on the guest list for the Borderline.