Thursday 17 May 2012

Video: 'I Phone Therefore I Am' by Freddy Clarke

Freddy Clarke describes himself on Twitter as a 'singer/guitarist/songwriter/producer/people collector'. A good friend of mine in California has crossed paths with Freddy at a couple of recent social events, and says he's a sweet guy and a great guitar player.

This is what Freddy himself has to say about his song 'I Phone Therefore I Am', which of course you can buy on iTunes:

'This song was inspired after a conversation with some close friends about the need to write a song about something topical. The idea was to write something that is in the current wave of headlines like" the Japan tsunami" but of course not that specifically. We didn't have any ideas until I blurted out "Hey, I just bought a new Android today!" And that led to all of us thinking along the lines of a song about the new smart phone. I came up with the line "dumb shit with a new smart phone" the day I bought the phone. Then Nancy Nunziati helped me with some very important lines in the song like: "how's my battery life?" and "can you hear me now?" The phrase I Phone Therefore I Am is taken from Rene Descartes famous line "I think therefore I am" regarding thought as a precursor of being. The guitar part is a variation on a very famous tune that even the Doors plagiarized called "Asturias" Asturias (or Leyenda) was written around the turn of the century by Issac Albeniz'.

(Anything that the Doors would plagiarise is cool with me!)

And finally, here are the credits:

Song Performed by Freddy Clarke
Song Written by Freddy Clarke and Nancy Nunziati
Director - Jock McDonald Producer - Nancy Nunziati
Editor - Chris Miloslavich - Milomix Post, S.F.
Special Effects - John Crossley
First Camera - Wes Dorman
Second Camera - Jonathan Angelini

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